责任者 Brosing, Juliet Wain,
出版信息 McGraw-Hill ,2016
ISBN 9789814738606
The physics of everyday phenomena: a conceptual introduction to physics
Brosing, Juliet Wain,.McGraw-Hill,2016.
责任者 Jacques Cazaux.
出版信息 Pan Stanford Publishing, ,c2016.
ISBN 9789814267892 :
Understanding solid state physics : problems and solutions /
Jacques Cazaux..Pan Stanford Publishing,,c2016..
责任者 Charles S. Wasson.
出版信息 John Wiley & Sons Inc., ,[2016]
ISBN 9781118442265 (cloth) :
System engineering analysis, design, and development : concepts, principles, and practices /
Charles S. Wasson..John Wiley & Sons Inc.,,[2016].
责任者 Michael Meltzer.
出版信息 Springer ; ,[2015] .
ISBN 9783319076072
The Cassini-Huygens visit to Saturn : an historic mission to the ringed planet /
Michael Meltzer..Springer ;,[2015] ..
责任者 Micha? ?mia?ek, Wiktor Nowakowski.
出版信息 Springer, ,c2015.
ISBN 9783319128375 (hbk.) :
From requirements to Java in a snap : model-driven requirements engineering in practice /
Micha? ?mia?ek, Wiktor Nowakowski..Springer,,c2015..
责任者 Hage, Jurriaan,,McCarthy, Jay
出版信息 Springer, ,2015.
ISBN 9783319146744
Trends in functional programming : 15th International Symposium, TFP 2014, Soesterberg, The Netherlands, May 26-28, 2014 : revised selected papers /
Hage, Jurriaan,,McCarthy, Jay.Springer,,2015..
责任者 Victor Castano, Igor Schagaev.
ISBN 9783319150680 (hbk.)
Resilient computer system design /
Victor Castano, Igor Schagaev..Springer,,c2015..
责任者 John Rhodes, Pedro V. Silva.
ISBN 9783319151137 (print) :
Boolean representations of simplicial complexes and matroids /
John Rhodes, Pedro V. Silva..Springer,,c2015..
责任者 Ahmed Seffah ; with contributions by Peter Forbrig ... [and 9 others] .
ISBN 9783319156866 (hbk.) :
Patterns of HCI design and HCI design of patterns : bridging HCI design and model-driven software engineering /
Ahmed Seffah ; with contributions by Peter Forbrig ... [and 9 others] ..Springer,,2015..
责任者 Thyagaraju Damarla.
出版信息 Springer, ,[2015]
ISBN 9783319160351 (hbk.)
Battlefield acoustics /
Thyagaraju Damarla..Springer,,[2015].