KAIST and ET and ETRI.Pacific Computer Communications Symposium (1st : 1985 : Seoul):Pacific computer communications`85 : proceedings of a symposium held in Seoul, Korea, Oct.1985.North-Holland,1986.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.AIAA 11th communication satellite systems conference (11th : 1986 : California ):a collection of technical papers.AIAA,1986.
Sponsored by Quantum Electronics and Applications Society of the Institute of Electrial and Electronics Engineers.Topical Meeting on Integrated and Guided-Wave Optics(8th : 1986 : Atlanta):technical digest.Optical Society of American,1986.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.AIAA Sounding Rocket Vehicle Technology Specialist Conference (7th : 1986 : Maryland ):A collection of technical papers.AIAA,1986.