检索条件: Springer ( 出版社 )
责任者 Bernard Hodgson
出版信息 Springer ,2001
ISBN 3540410627
Economics as moral science
Bernard Hodgson.Springer,2001.
责任者 Yuichi Shionoya,Kiichiro Yagi
ISBN 3540678700
Competition ,trust,and cooperation:A comparative study
Yuichi Shionoya,Kiichiro Yagi.Springer,2001.
责任者 Michael Haug
ISBN 3-540-41785-0
Software best practice.2,Managing the change:software configuration and change management:ESSI Practitioners` Reports
Michael Haug.Springer,2001.
责任者 Michael Haug,Eric W. Olsen,Lars Bergman
ISBN 3-540-41787-7
Software best practice.4,Software process improvement:Metrics,measurement,and process modelling:ESSI Practitioners` Reports
Michael Haug,Eric W. Olsen,Lars Bergman.Springer,2001.
责任者 Andrea Tettamanzi,Marco Tomassini
ISBN 3-540-42204-8
Soft computing:Integrating evolutuionary,neural,and fuzzy systems
Andrea Tettamanzi,Marco Tomassini.Springer,2001.
责任者 Robert J. Howlett
ISBN 3790813672
Radial basis function networks 1:Recent developments
Robert J. Howlett.Springer,2001.
责任者 U. Muller,L. Buhler
ISBN 3-540-41253-0
Magnetofluiddynamics in channels and containers
U. Muller,L. Buhler.Springer,2001.
责任者 D. Jou,J. Casas-Vazquez,M. Criado-Sancho
ISBN 3-540-67845-X
Thermodynamics of fluids under flow
D. Jou,J. Casas-Vazquez,M. Criado-Sancho.Springer,2001.
责任者 J. Warnatz
ISBN 3-540-67751-8
Combustion:Physical and Chemical fundamentals,modeling and simulation,experiments,pollutant formation
J. Warnatz.Springer,2001.
责任者 Paul F. Whelan,Derek Molloy
ISBN 1-85233-218-2
Machine vision algorithms in Java:Techniques and implementation
Paul F. Whelan,Derek Molloy.Springer,2001.