检索条件: Springer ( 出版社 )
责任者 P. I. Kattan,G. Z. Voyiadjis
出版信息 Springer ,2002
ISBN 3-540-42279-X
Damage mechanics with finite elements:Practical applications with computer tools
P. I. Kattan,G. Z. Voyiadjis.Springer,2002.
责任者 Udo Seiffert,Lakhmi C. Jain
ISBN 3-7908-1417-2
Self-organizing neural networks:Recent advances and applications
Udo Seiffert,Lakhmi C. Jain.Springer,2002.
责任者 Bernard Hodgson
出版信息 Springer ,2001
ISBN 3540410627
Economics as moral science
Bernard Hodgson.Springer,2001.
责任者 Yuichi Shionoya,Kiichiro Yagi
ISBN 3540678700
Competition ,trust,and cooperation:A comparative study
Yuichi Shionoya,Kiichiro Yagi.Springer,2001.
责任者 Michael Haug
ISBN 3-540-41785-0
Software best practice.2,Managing the change:software configuration and change management:ESSI Practitioners` Reports
Michael Haug.Springer,2001.
责任者 Michael Haug,Eric W. Olsen,Lars Bergman
ISBN 3-540-41787-7
Software best practice.4,Software process improvement:Metrics,measurement,and process modelling:ESSI Practitioners` Reports
Michael Haug,Eric W. Olsen,Lars Bergman.Springer,2001.
责任者 Andrea Tettamanzi,Marco Tomassini
ISBN 3-540-42204-8
Soft computing:Integrating evolutuionary,neural,and fuzzy systems
Andrea Tettamanzi,Marco Tomassini.Springer,2001.
责任者 Robert J. Howlett
ISBN 3790813672
Radial basis function networks 1:Recent developments
Robert J. Howlett.Springer,2001.
责任者 U. Muller,L. Buhler
ISBN 3-540-41253-0
Magnetofluiddynamics in channels and containers
U. Muller,L. Buhler.Springer,2001.
责任者 D. Jou,J. Casas-Vazquez,M. Criado-Sancho
ISBN 3-540-67845-X
Thermodynamics of fluids under flow
D. Jou,J. Casas-Vazquez,M. Criado-Sancho.Springer,2001.