检索条件: Sensors ( 著者 )
责任者 Sensors and Sensor Integration
出版信息 SPIE ,1991
ISBN 0-8194-0589-2
Sensors and Sensor Integration (1991 : Orlando)
Sensors and Sensor Integration.SPIE,1991.
责任者 Microstructures, sensors, and actuators
出版信息 ASME ,1990
ISBN 0-7918-0541-7
Microstructures, sensors and actuators (1990 : Dallas)
Microstructures, sensors, and actuators.ASME,1990.
责任者 Sensors and sensor systems for guidance and navigation
Sensors and sensor systems for guidance and navigation(1991 : Florida)
Sensors and sensor systems for guidance and navigation.SPIE,1991.
责任者 Robert C. Harney,Sensor Fusion Ⅲ
出版信息 SPIE ,1990
Sensor Fusion Ⅲ (1990 : Orlando)
Robert C. Harney,Sensor Fusion Ⅲ.SPIE,1990.
责任者 Fibre optic and laser sensors
出版信息 SPIE ,1988
Fibre optic and laser sensors VI
Fibre optic and laser sensors.SPIE,1988.
出版信息 SPIE ,1987
Fibre optic and laser sensors IV (1987)
Fibre optic and laser sensors.SPIE,1987.
出版信息 SPIE ,1984
Fibre optic and laser sensors II (1984 : Virginia)
Fibre optic and laser sensors.SPIE,1984.
责任者 High Resolution Sensors and Hybrid Systems
出版信息 SPIE ,1992
ISBN 0-8194-0810-7
High Resolution Sensors and Hybrid Systems (1992 : San Jose)
High Resolution Sensors and Hybrid Systems.SPIE,1992.
责任者 Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmetal Fiber Sensors
Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmetal Fiber Sensors (2nd : 1990 : San Jose)
Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmetal Fiber Sensors.SPIE,1990.
责任者 A. M. Scheggi,Fibre optic sensors
Fibre optic sensore II(1987 : The Hague)
A. M. Scheggi,Fibre optic sensors.SPIE,1987.