检索条件: Mir. ( 出版社 )
责任者 A. A. Voronov
出版信息 MIR ,1986
Management and control in large systems
A. A. Voronov.MIR,1986.
责任者 Voronov]]A. A.
Voronov]]A. A..MIR,1986.
责任者 G. I.]]V. P. Marchuk]]Dymnikov
出版信息 Mir ,1985
Problems of computational mathematics and mathematical mokelling
G. I.]]V. P. Marchuk]]Dymnikov.Mir,1985.
责任者 Ya. S. Bugrov,S. M. Nikolsky
出版信息 Mir ,1983
Higher mathematics:differential equations, multiple integrals, series,theory of functions of a complex variable
Ya. S. Bugrov,S. M. Nikolsky.Mir,1983.
责任者 V. S. Vladimirov,I. I. Markush
出版信息 MIR ,1983
Academician steklev Mathematician Extraordinary
V. S. Vladimirov,I. I. Markush.MIR,1983.
责任者 V. S. Vladimirov
出版信息 Mir Pub ,1986
A collection of problems on the equations of mathematical physics
V. S. Vladimirov.Mir Pub,1986.
责任者 V. S. Avduyevsky,G. R. Uspensky
出版信息 Mir Publishers ,1985
Scientific and economy-oriented space systems
V. S. Avduyevsky,G. R. Uspensky.Mir Publishers,1985.
责任者 N. G. Basov
出版信息 MIR Pub. ,1984
Lasers and holographic data processing
N. G. Basov.MIR Pub.,1984.
责任者 I. V. Petryanov,D. N. Trifonov
出版信息 Mir Pub. ,1984
Elementary order:Mendeleev`s periodic systom
I. V. Petryanov,D. N. Trifonov.Mir Pub.,1984.
责任者 F. L. Belan,S. Semyonev
Water treatment:calculations examples problems
F. L. Belan,S. Semyonev.Mir Pub.,1984.