InstrumentSocietyofAmerica,ISA Conference and Exhibit.ISA Conference and Exhibit (1977 : Niagera Falls, N. Y.):Advances in instrumentation.V.32, pt.1.Penn.,1977.
InstrumentSocietyofAmerica,ISA`s Industry Oriented Conference and Exhibit.ISA` s Industry Oriented Conference and Exhibit (1975 : Milwaukee):Advances in instrumentation .V.30, pt.1.Pa.,1975.
InstrumentSocietyofAmerica,ISA`s Industry Oriented Conference and Exhibit.ISA` s Industry Oriented Conference and Exhibit (1975 : Milwaukee):Advances in instrumentation .V.30, pt.2.Pa.,1975.
InstrumentSocietyofAmerica,ISA`s Industry Oriented Conference and Exhibit.ISA` s Industry Oriented Conference and Exhibit (1975 : Milwaukee):Advances in instrumentation .V.30, pt.3.Pa.,1975.