检索条件: Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology ( 题名 )
出版信息 Wiley ,1983
Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology.V.22,Sulfonation and sulfation to thorium and thorium compounds
责任者 R. E. Kirk,D. F. Othmer
Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology.Index, V.17-20:Peroxides and peroxy compounds, inorganic to silk
R. E. Kirk,D. F. Othmer.Wiley,1983.
责任者 R. E. Kirk,D. G. Othmer
出版信息 Wiley ,1981
Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology.V.13,Hydrogen-ion activity to laminated materials, glass
R. E. Kirk,D. G. Othmer.Wiley,1981.
责任者 Michael,Irene Ash
出版信息 Chemical Pub. Co. Inc. ,1987
Encyclopedia of industrial chemical additives.v. IV
Michael,Irene Ash.Chemical Pub. Co. Inc.,1987.
责任者 Michael,Irene Ash.
出版信息 Chemical Publishing Co., Inc. ,1985
Encyclopedia of industrial chemical additives.V.3
Michael,Irene Ash..Chemical Publishing Co., Inc.,1985.
出版信息 Chemical Pub. ,1984
Encyclopedia of industrial chemical additives.V.1
.Chemical Pub.,1984.
出版信息 Chemical Publishing Co. ,1984
Encyclopedia of industrial chemical additives.V.2
Michael,Irene Ash..Chemical Publishing Co.,1984.
责任者 John J. McKetta,Williham A. Cunningham
出版信息 Marcel Dekker, Inc. ,1985
Encyclopedia of chemical processing and design.V.22,Fire extinguishing chemicals to fluid flow, slurry systems and pipelines
John J. McKetta,Williham A. Cunningham.Marcel Dekker, Inc.,1985.
责任者 John J. Mcketta
出版信息 Marcel Dekker ,1982
Encyclopedia of chemical processing and design.15,Design of experiments to diffusion, molecular
John J. Mcketta.Marcel Dekker,1982.
出版信息 Dekker ,1982
Encyclopedia of chemical processing and design.V.14:Crystallization, nucleation systems to design data-importance of accuary