检索条件: D. M. ( 著者 )
责任者 D. M. Ginsberg
出版信息 WS ,1992
Physical properties of high temperature superconductors.3
D. M. Ginsberg.WS,1992.
责任者 D. M. Himmelblau
出版信息 Prentice-Hall ,1989
BASIC principles and calculations in chemical engineering
D. M. Himmelblau.Prentice-Hall,1989.
责任者 D. M. Yellin
出版信息 Springer ,1988
Attribute grammer inversion and source-to-source translation
D. M. Yellin.Springer,1988.
责任者 D. M. Allen
出版信息 Bristol Adam Hilger ,1986
the principles and practice of photochemical machining and photoetching
D. M. Allen.Bristol Adam Hilger,1986.
责任者 D. M. Randel
出版信息 The Bolknap Pr. ,1986
The new harvard dictionary of music
D. M. Randel.The Bolknap Pr.,1986.
责任者 D.M. Armstrong.
出版信息 Cambridge University Press, ,1985.
ISBN 9780521314817
What is a law of nature? /
D.M. Armstrong..Cambridge University Press,,1985..
责任者 D. M. Brink
出版信息 Cambridge Univ. Pr. ,1985
Semi-classical methods for nucleus-nucleus scattering
D. M. Brink.Cambridge Univ. Pr.,1985.
责任者 D. M. Little
出版信息 Pennwell ,1985
Catalytic reforming
D. M. Little.Pennwell,1985.
责任者 D. M. Lucantoni
出版信息 Pitman Advanced Pub. ,1983
An algorithmic analysis of a communication model with retransmission of flawed messages
D. M. Lucantoni.Pitman Advanced Pub.,1983.
责任者 D. M. Armstrong
出版信息 The Univ. Pr. ,1983
What is a law of nature ?
D. M. Armstrong.The Univ. Pr.,1983.