P. D. Hilton and L. N. Giford.Computational fracture mechanics Nonlinear and 3-D problems(1984 : San Anton Texas):presented at the 1984 Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference and Exhibition, San Anton Texas, 1984.ASME,1984.
Computational fracture mechanics Nonlinear and 3-D problems(1984 : San Anton Texas):presented at the 1984 Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference and Exhibition, San Anton Texas, 1984
G. Sundararajan.Advances in probabilistic fracture mechanics(1984 : Texs):presented at the 1984 Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference and Exhibition, San Anton Texas, 1984.ASME,1984.
Advances in probabilistic fracture mechanics(1984 : Texs):presented at the 1984 Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference and Exhibition, San Anton Texas, 1984