检索条件: 19971230d1982 kemy0enga0121 ba ( 著者 )
责任者 L. Margulis & K. V. Schwartz
出版信息 Freeman ,1982
Five kingdoms:an illustrated gudie to the phyla of life on earth
L. Margulis & K. V. Schwartz.Freeman,1982.
责任者 B. Mason & C. B. Moore
出版信息 Wiley ,1982
Principlcs of geochemistry
B. Mason & C. B. Moore.Wiley,1982.
责任者 J. E. Rowloy
出版信息 Clive Bingley ,1982
Abstracting and indexing
J. E. Rowloy.Clive Bingley,1982.
责任者 James D. Spain
出版信息 Addison-Wesley ,1982
BASIC microcomputer models in biology
James D. Spain.Addison-Wesley,1982.
责任者 M-M Mesulam ed.
Tracing neural connections with horseradish peroxidase
M-M Mesulam ed..Wiley,1982.
责任者 J. D. Lee & T. D. Lee
出版信息 VNR ,1982
Statistics and numerical methods in BASIC for biologists
J. D. Lee & T. D. Lee.VNR,1982.
责任者 M. V. Zombeck
出版信息 The Univ. Pr. ,1982
Handbook of space astronmy and astrophysics
M. V. Zombeck.The Univ. Pr.,1982.
责任者 A. C. Foskett
The subject approach to information
A. C. Foskett.Clive Bingley,1982.
责任者 J. E. Campbell etc. ed.
出版信息 ASM ,1982
Application of fracture mechanics for selection of metallic structural materials
J. E. Campbell etc. ed..ASM,1982.
责任者 G. Chandler
出版信息 Pergamon Pr. ,1982
How to find out:printed and on-line sources
G. Chandler.Pergamon Pr.,1982.