检索条件: 19970506d1983 kemy0enga0121 ba ( 著者 )
责任者 V. Gold and D. Bethell
出版信息 Academic Pr. ,1983
Advances in physical organic chemistry.V.19
V. Gold and D. Bethell.Academic Pr.,1983.
责任者 S. I. Venetsky
出版信息 Mir ,1983
On rare and scattered metals:tales about metals
S. I. Venetsky.Mir,1983.
责任者 V. I. Kukulin
出版信息 Vieweg & Sohn ,1983
Clusters as subsystems in light nuclei:Direct cluster reactions progress towards a unified theory
V. I. Kukulin.Vieweg & Sohn,1983.
责任者 R. T. Morrison and R. N. Boyd
出版信息 Allyn and Bacon ,1983
Organic chemistry
R. T. Morrison and R. N. Boyd.Allyn and Bacon,1983.
责任者 W. W. Linstromberg and H. E. Baumgarten
出版信息 Mass, D. C. Heath and Company ,1983
Organic chemistry:a brief course
W. W. Linstromberg and H. E. Baumgarten.Mass, D. C. Heath and Company,1983.
出版信息 Mass., Heath ,1983
Organic experiments
W. W. Linstromberg and H. E. Baumgarten.Mass., Heath,1983.
责任者 Ed. by J. Lewins and M. Becker
出版信息 Plenum Pr. ,1983
Advances in nuclear science and technology.V.12
Ed. by J. Lewins and M. Becker.Plenum Pr.,1983.
责任者 R. O. C. Norman
出版信息 Bell and Hyman ,1983
Modern organic chemistry
R. O. C. Norman.Bell and Hyman,1983.
责任者 R. Primas
出版信息 Springer ,1983
Chemistry, Quantum mechanics and reductionism:Perspectives in theoritical chemistry
R. Primas.Springer,1983.
责任者 William R. Shea & Otto Hahn
出版信息 D. Reidel Pub. Co. ,1983
Otto Hahn and the rise of nuclear physics
William R. Shea & Otto Hahn.D. Reidel Pub. Co.,1983.