检索条件: 19970506d1980 kemy0enga0121 ba ( 著者 )
责任者 Ed. by J. Lewins and M. Becker
出版信息 Plenum Pr. ,1984
Advances in nuclear science and technology.V.16
Ed. by J. Lewins and M. Becker.Plenum Pr.,1984.
责任者 V. Gold and D. Bethell
出版信息 Academic Pr. ,1980
Advances in physical organic chemistry.V.17
V. Gold and D. Bethell.Academic Pr.,1980.
责任者 Charles W. Spangler
出版信息 Prentice-Hall ,1980
Organic chemistry:a brief contemporary perspective
Charles W. Spangler.Prentice-Hall,1980.
责任者 F. M. Menger and L. Mandell
出版信息 Plenum ,1980
Electronic interpretation of organic chemistry:a problems-oriented text
F. M. Menger and L. Mandell.Plenum,1980.
责任者 D. H. Williams and I. Fleming
出版信息 McGraw-Hill ,1980
Spectroscopic methods in organic chemistry
D. H. Williams and I. Fleming.McGraw-Hill,1980.
责任者 Christophy Ruchardt
出版信息 Springer ,1980
Organic chemistry:syntheses nand reactivity
Christophy Ruchardt.Springer,1980.
责任者 Arthur Vogel
出版信息 Longman ,1980
Vogel`s elementary practical organic chemistry.V. 1,Preparations
Arthur Vogel.Longman,1980.
责任者 R. A. Abramovitch
Reactive intermediates.V.1
R. A. Abramovitch.Plenum,1980.
责任者 Denys Wilkinson
出版信息 Pergamon Pr. ,1980
Progress in particle and nuclear physics.V.3
Denys Wilkinson.Pergamon Pr.,1980.
出版信息 Plenum Pr. ,1980
Advances in nuclear science and technology.V.12
Ed. by J. Lewins and M. Becker.Plenum Pr.,1980.