检索条件: 19970325d1989 kemy0enga0121 ba ( 著者 )
责任者 Nobuyuki Ikeda
出版信息 North-Holland Pub. Co. ,1989
Stochastic differential equations and diffusion processes
Nobuyuki Ikeda.North-Holland Pub. Co.,1989.
责任者 Lloyd Motz and Jefferson Hane Weaver
出版信息 Plenum Pr. ,1989
ISBN 0-306-43076-2
The story of physics
Lloyd Motz and Jefferson Hane Weaver.Plenum Pr.,1989.
责任者 S. H. Friedberg
出版信息 Prentice-Hall ,1989
Linear algebra
S. H. Friedberg.Prentice-Hall,1989.
责任者 Bernard R. Gelbaum
出版信息 North-Holland ,1989
Linear algebra:basics, practice, and theory
Bernard R. Gelbaum.North-Holland,1989.
责任者 Jean-Dominique Deuschel, Daniel W. Stroock
出版信息 Academic Press, Inc ,1989
ISBN 0-12-213150-0
Large deviations
Jean-Dominique Deuschel, Daniel W. Stroock.Academic Press, Inc,1989.
责任者 M. Dozzi
出版信息 John Wiley and Sons ,1989
Stochastic processes with a multidimensional parameter
M. Dozzi.John Wiley and Sons,1989.
出版信息 Jane`s Information Group ,1989
Jane`s battlefield surveillance systems
.Jane`s Information Group,1989.
责任者 Aleksei Ivanovich Kostrikin
出版信息 Gordon and Breach Science Pub. ,1989
Linear albebra and geometry
Aleksei Ivanovich Kostrikin.Gordon and Breach Science Pub.,1989.
责任者 Joachim Hilgert, Karl Heinrich Hofmann and Jimmie D. Lawson
出版信息 Clarendon Pr. ,1989
Lie Groups, convex comes:and semigroups
Joachim Hilgert, Karl Heinrich Hofmann and Jimmie D. Lawson.Clarendon Pr.,1989.
责任者 Daniel Graupe
出版信息 Robert E. krieger Pub. Co. ,1989
Time series analysis identification and adaptive filtering
Daniel Graupe.Robert E. krieger Pub. Co.,1989.