出版社:Johns Hopkins University Press,
著者:Benwill Publishing Corp.
出版社:Benwill Publishing Corp.,1957-
出版社:American Meteorological Society,
出版社:Technology Publishing Co.,
出版社:Birkhauser Verlag,
著者:Institute of Physics(Great Britain),American Institute of Physics
出版社:IOP Pub.,1989-
出版社:Institute of Physics,
出版社:Society of Environmental Engineers,
出版社:Schiele und Schon,
出版社:Machinery Publishing Co.,
出版社:IOP Publishing Ltd.,
出版社:Huethig & Wepf,
出版社:Operations Research Society of America,
出版社:Technical Publishing Co.,
出版社:Akademiai Kiado,
出版社:Editrice Compositori,
出版社:Elsevier Applied Science Publishers Ltd.,
出版社:Applied Science Publishers,
出版社:Macmillan Publishers Ltd.,
著者:Polish Academy of Sciences, Committee of the Science of Science.
出版社:Publishing House of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
出版社:Acoustical Publications, Inc.,
出版社:Interfield Publishing Co.,c1981-
出版社:Society for Experimental Mechanics,
出版社:Society for Applied Spectroscopy,
出版社:Cambridge Scientific Abstracts,
出版社:Scientific Surveys Ltd.,
出版社:Biometric Society,
出版社:Biometrika Trust, University College,
出版社:Institutionen for Informationsbehandling, Lunds Universitet,
出版社:University Computing Center, University of Massachusetts,
著者:Heywood and Co. Ltd
出版社:Heywood and Co.Ltd.,1954-
出版社:British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing,
出版社:American Institute of Physics,
出版社:Pan European Publishing Co.,
出版社:Macmillan Press Ltd.,1991-
出版社:Springer Verlag,
出版社:Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory,
出版社:Institution of Welding Engineers,
出版社:Brown, Boveri and Co. Ltd.,
出版社:Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications,
著者:Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
出版社:Japan Publishing Trading Co. Ltd.,
出版社:McGraw-Hill Publications Inc.,
出版社:Department of Mathematics,
著者:Asea Brown Boveri
出版社:Asea Brown Boveri Ltd.,
出版社:International Fluidics Services Ltd.,
出版社:Wolfson Heat Treatment Centre,
著者:Indiana University,Indiana University
出版社:Graduate Institute for Mathematics and Mechanics, Indiana University,1957-70.
出版社:IFS Publications,
出版社:Shephard Press,c1985-
语言 : 中文